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Understanding the price you pay for energy and rate options available can help manage energy costs.

Wisconsin electric rates

Tariffs (rate sheets)
All rate brochures
We Energies electric rate brochure
Rules and regulations
Sales tax exemptions
State low-income assistance fee
Act 141
Electric final order

Business only

Understanding demand charges

Michigan electric rates

Upper Michigan Energy Resources Corp. (UMERC) provides energy for areas of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. The former energy suppliers — We Energies and Wisconsin Public Service — continue to provide customer service.
UMERC rates
Sales tax exemptions

Natural gas rates

We provide natural gas service through two companies: Wisconsin Electric Gas Operations and Wisconsin Gas, which both do business as We Energies. Each company has its own pricing.

The purchased gas adjustment (PGA) line item indicates the difference between our estimated price for natural gas (listed as the Base Gas cost on your bill) and the actual price we pay during a given time period, such as a monthly billing cycle. Learn more.

To determine which company provides your service, use our map.
Service area map
Wisconsin Electric Gas Operations tariffs (rates)
Wisconsin Gas LLC tariffs (rates)

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