We require a tax ID or a social security number from the following customer types:
Sole proprietorship
Business or financial venture carried out by an individual and is not partnership.
- Service should be established in name of party who owns business (not name of business).
- Social Security number is required.
- Sole proprietor is personally responsible for all financial obligations associated to the business.
- Doing Business As (DBA) may be added to application.
General Partnership
- Can be unlimited number of owners.
- Owners are personally liable.
- Federal or state tax ID is required.
- Account must be placed in proper corporate name.
- Federal or state tax ID is required.
- Registered agent and incorporation location also must be provided.
Limited Liability Company (LLC or LLP)
- Owners are not personally liable.
- Accounts should be placed in proper LLC name
- Federal or state tax ID is required.
- Stakeholder/contact information for each account and managing member or registered agent must be provided.
Service Corporation (SC)
- Individuals are not responsible.
- Account must be placed in proper service corporation.
- Federal or state tax ID is required.
- Contact information for each account must be provided.