Terms of service — Michigan


We may ask for deposits from existing businesses that have a history of non- or late payments or who have had service disconnected for non-payment.

Business accounts with deposits are reviewed annually. Deposits are refunded after 18 months if scheduled payments have been maintained.

Rules for renters

  • Property owner or manager is billed when a single meter serves more than one unit.
  • Typically, a renter is normally billed directly if the rental unit has a dedicated meter.
  • When a renter vacates a unit, any unpaid balance is transferred to the renter’s new account with us. If the customer no longer has an energy account with us, the renter will be issued a final bill.
  • Owners and managers should notify us of tenant changes to avoid being responsible for energy charges. Service also can be shut off in vacant units when human health or property is not threatened.

Disconnection rules

  • Service disconnection is a last resort.
  • Customers who fail to pay their energy bills or make payment arrangements are subject to disconnection.
  • Customers in collection action will receive a Disconnection Notice with their monthly statement advising them that the account is past due.
  • Service reconnections are scheduled for the next business day after payment is received. Reconnection fees apply.
  • Modified rules for disconnection of utility services during winter months apply only to residential customers. Business customers are not protected by winter disconnection rules.
  • Services are available to avoid disconnection. For more information, call 800-842-4565.

Resolving disputes

  • Customers have a right to dispute energy charges on their account.
  • Call us at 800-242-9137 to discuss any questionable charges.
  • Billing disputes that remain unresolved can be brought to the attention of the Michigan Public Service Commission for a formal review. Customers are not required to pay disputed portions of their bills until the review is completed. However, undisputed charges should be paid when due.

Terms and conditions

For more information:
Michigan Public Service Commission
Michigan tariffs

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