electric vehicle charging

Residential EV pilot program


Our residential electric vehicle (EV) pilot program can help you with the cost of electricity when charging your EV at home. Once you have a charger installed, you can save by charging your EV during certain off-peak hours.

Eligibility requirements

All of the following requirements must be met to take part in the pilot program.

  1. Electric vehicle: Own or lease an all-electric battery-only vehicle that is registered at your We Energies service address.
  2. Wisconsin residence: Own and live in a Wisconsin residence that receives electric service from We Energies. (For this program, this is defined as a detached single-family home, townhome/row house, duplex or other multifamily dwellings with separately metered service.)
  3. Good standing: Must be in good standing (i.e., cannot have any late payments or disconnections in the past 12 months).

EV charging bill credit

You are billed for EV charging the same way you pay for all the electricity in your home, per kilowatt hours (kWh) of use. Through this pilot program, standard residential rate customers (Rg-1) and Time-of-Use (Rg-2) customers, who charge an EV at home, may be eligible to receive credit for charging during the program’s off-peak hours. The credit is applied to your current residential rate, up to a maximum of 400 kWh each month.

EV-R off-peak period

  • Start time: Midnight
  • End time: 8 a.m.
  • Days: All days
Rate   EV-R credit (midnight - 8 a.m.)
Rg-1 (Standard flat rate) $0.18325/kWh $0.04/kWh
Rg-2 (Time-of-Use on-peak rate) $0.27006/kWh  
Rg-2 (Time-of-Use off-peak rate) $0.10387/kWh $0.01/kWh

Apply now

If you are no longer charging an EV at home, please sign in to cancel your EV bill credit.

Questions and answers


How does the EV credit from this program work?

Based on your current residential rate, a specific credit per kWh will be applied to any electricity used during the set EV off-peak hours. The maximum kWh of off-peak usage that the credit can be applied to is 400 kWh.

How is the EV credit applied if I’m already on a Time-of-Use rate for my home?

You will still receive your normal rate prices for your TOU on- and off-peak periods. An additional credit is applied to any usage that occurs specifically between midnight and 8 am daily.

What if I own and charge more than one EV at home?

One enrollment in the EV pilot program is allowed per customer. The charging credit is not based on the number of vehicles at the home. The amount of your credit is based on total EV off-peak usage, up to the monthly maximum of 400 kWh. The monthly kWh cap remains the same, no matter how many vehicles you are charging.

Do I need to have an additional meter installed?

No, an additional meter will not be installed. When enrolling, we will ensure that your meter is programmed to collect the necessary data for billing the EV credit. This programming is done remotely. In rare cases, we may need to replace your meter.

How long will it take to be enrolled in the program? When will I start seeing my EV bill credit?

After you apply, our program team will review your application. If it is approved, your account will be set up to start applying the EV credit starting with the next complete bill cycle.


Can I participate with any charger?

Yes. A specific type of charger is not required to participate in the pilot program. We collect interval data directly from your utility meter to apply the off-peak EV credit.

Why can’t I participate with a plug-in hybrid?

Eligibility for this pilot program is approved by the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin. At this time, the credit for off-peak EV charging includes all-electric battery-only vehicles. Plug-in hybrids are not eligible for the credit, but owners can take advantage of our Time-of-Use savings program for off-peak pricing.

Can I participate if I rent my home?

No. It is required that you own the property in order to participate.

I live in a multifamily dwelling, can I participate?

Customers that own their unit within a multifamily dwelling are eligible to participate so long as they meet the metering eligibility requirement. The location of your charger/where you will be charging your EV must receive electricity directly from the meter associated with your unit/service address.

Are solar customers eligible to participate?

Solar customers who are on a customer owned generation rate are eligible to participate so long as their metering set up allows us to collect the necessary interval data. Our team will review your account/meter after you apply to ensure it is eligible.

Why was my application not approved?

There are several reasons an application may not have been approved. Please see the eligibility requirements listed above. If you apply and are not approved, a member of our team will reach out to explain the reasoning.


Do you offer any rebates for purchasing an EV or EV charger?

No. Our pilot program does not offer incentives for purchasing an EV or EV charger, or for installation costs of an EV charger at home. Check these resources for other consumer programs that may be available.

Go Electric Drive
Wisconsin Clean Cities

What types of at-home EV chargers are there?

At home, people typically charge EVs with a Level 1 or Level 2 charger. A Level 1 charger can provide 4 to 6 miles of range for every hour of charging. EVs usually come with a standard Level 1 charger that plugs into a typical household outlet (120-volt). A Level 2 charger provides faster and more convenient charging, with 25 to 40 miles of range for every hour of charging. They require a dedicated 240-volt circuit.

How much does additional circuit wiring or panel upgrades cost to install an EV charger at home?

Costs depend on your home’s electrical setup and wiring. A qualified electrician can help you understand the actual costs of any additional work unique to your home.


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