Shoreland Lutheran High School
- Location
- Somers, WI
- Operational date
- November 2006
- Project
- 10-kilowatt roof-mounted system
- Total project cost
- $74,755
- Incentive
- $25,176 from We Energies
$24,403 from Focus on Energy
- Estimated savings achieved
- $1,350 per year in electricity savings
- Success
- Shoreland Lutheran High School's intent for the solar energy project was to integrate into their science and consumer education
curricula information that would help students build a working knowledge about the science and benefits of earth-friendly renewable
energy. The funding provided by the We Energies Non-Profit Renewable Energy Incentive made possible programs that have the potential
to spark interest that may lead to a career that advances the science of clean energy generation. By having an understanding of
renewable energy and its benefits, students will become better consumers and conservers of energy resources.
- Charles Waller, chair of the Development and Stewardship Committee, said, "The 10-kW photovoltaic project enables the school to put
us out in front of something that is new and important to the public. One of the speakers at the Solar Decade Conference said, 'We are
like auto enthusiasts in the early 20th century' and Shoreland Lutheran High School wants to be a small part of this leading-edge group"!
- Contact information
- Kevin Zimmerman
9026 12th St.
Somers, WI 53171