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Managing energy costs —

We’re here to help

You count on us every day to provide the energy you need, while keeping bills as low as possible.

We work to manage costs throughout the year — including buying and storing natural gas when prices typically are lower and generating electricity with the most efficient sources.

There are programs and resources available to help you manage your bill as well as your energy use. And if you’re having difficulty paying your bill, we have payment arrangements and energy assistance options.

Solutions for you to manage your energy costs (:48 sec.)
Learn about your energy service, usage and billing (2:41 min.)

Factors affecting your energy bill

Your energy bill may vary month to month and year to year.
Why bills vary

Save energy, stay comfortable and save money

Saving energy equals saving money. Reduce your energy bills by making some simple changes around your home.
Energy-saving tips
At-home checklist
Rebates and programs
Energy Efficiency Videos

Pay the same amount each month

Budget Billing spreads out seasonal variations in your energy bill over 12 months. While you still pay for all of the energy you actually use, Budget Billing gives you more consistent monthly bills.
Learn more and sign up in our app or online

Customers already participating in Budget Billing: You may have seen an increase in your six-month Budget Billing amount or 12-month settlement amount if you have our natural gas service. This is due to the increase in natural gas costs. Your Budget Bill is reviewed every six months and may be adjusted to better reflect rising prices and your use of natural gas or electricity.

Payment arrangements and energy assistance

We offer simple, self-service payment arrangements and energy assistance options to help pay your energy bill.
Payment arrangements and energy assistance options

Compare your energy use

Access your account in our app or online to see how your energy use compares to the previous month and year. This information can help you track and understand how much energy you’re using.
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Understanding your natural gas bill

Several factors determine the amount of your natural gas bill each month. The typical residential customer bill for natural gas is made up of three key areas that may affect the monthly bill amount: natural gas cost, distribution and facilities.

  • Natural gas cost (60-70% of your bill). Natural gas cost makes up the largest portion of your bill. This is the charge for the natural gas you use during the billing month. We calculate the cost by multiplying your gas usage by the average cost per therm we pay to purchase the gas. The amount you pay varies monthly, based on the cost of gas and the amount you use. Natural gas is bought and sold on the commodities market, similar to goods like oil or milk. The price we pay for gas is the same price you pay — there is no markup.
  • Distribution (20-30% of your bill). The distribution charge is the cost for delivering natural gas from the gate station to your location.
  • Customer Charge (approximately 10% of your bill). The Customer Charge helps cover the fixed costs of providing service to customers, including equipment, billing and programs.

Understanding your electric bill

Various factors determine the amount of your electric bill each month. The typical electric bill for a residential customer is made up of five key areas that may affect the monthly bill amount: generation, fuel and purchased power, transmission, distribution and facilities.

  • Generation (25%-35% of your bill). Generation is the cost of building and operating power plants that produce electricity. Electricity is measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh) and is the unit of measurement used to determine how much electricity you’ve used. The amount you pay varies monthly based on your use.
  • Fuel and purchased power (20%-30% of your bill). Fuel is the cost of material, such as natural gas or coal, which is converted into electric energy at power plants. Purchased power is the cost of additional electric power bought in the regional energy market, similar to goods like oil or milk. The price we pay is the same price you pay — there is no markup.
  • Transmission (approximately 10% of your bill). The transmission charge is for delivering bulk electricity from our power plants to our distribution substations.
  • Distribution (15%-25% of your bill). The distribution charge is for the safe and reliable delivery of electricity from our substations to homes and businesses.
  • Customer Charge (10%-20% of your bill). The Customer Charge helps cover the fixed costs of providing service to customers, including equipment, billing and programs.