analyzing energy bill

Trees and power line safety

Our forestry team clears trees from power lines during storms and outages. We also perform routine maintenance to keep power lines clear from limbs and branches to improve service reliability. Our trained foresters can inspect your trees to determine if growth is too close to a line, and we can help you with landscaping and safety information.

Tree damage causing outages

To report a tree on a downed power line, call us at 800-662-4797 or contact local law enforcement. Stay at least 25 feet from any downed line and consider it energized. Do not attempt to remove any branches yourself.

If your power is out, report it one of three ways:

Power outage restoration

More than a quarter of outages are the result of fallen trees or limbs or trees growing into power lines. Our crews follow a specific plan to get your neighborhood back in service.
Power outage restoration

Power line clearance pruning for reliability

Trees growing into electric lines threaten safe and reliable electric service. When electric lines come in contact with trees, problems can occur, such as outages, fires and safety hazards. Our power line clearance pruning program reduces those risks and improves power reliability during storms.


If a tree is touching a power line but not an emergency, call 800-242-9137 for an inspection. We assess each situation first, discuss options and schedule a crew, if needed.

Tree trimming

We typically use directional pruning to keep branches from growing back toward the lines. The type of pruning is based on tree location and species.
How we trim trees

Brush removal

Our preference is to prune branches, but we may need to cut down a tree. You are not charged for this service, but because you own the trees on your property, debris removal is your responsibility.
Brush removal: What happens after work in your yard

Tree trimming safety precautions

Only our certified line clearance arborists can work within 10 feet of power lines. If you are unsure if a tree on your property is too near a line, call 800-242-9137. We have detailed instructions for how to prune trees safely and when to reach out for our help.

Landscaping safety