Natural gas
This plant occupies 150 acres of land in Wisconsin next to Concord Substation, near Watertown, Wisconsin.
Type of plant
Natural gas-based, peak-load plant used during hours of high demand.
Initial cost
$107 million
4 units
Year in service
Units 1 and 2: 1993
Units 3 and 4: 1994
Generating capacity
Unit 1: 100 megawatts per unit
Unit 2: 100 megawatts per unit
Unit 3: 100 megawatts per unit
Unit 4: 100 megawatts per unit
Total net generating capacity
400 megawatts
Primary fuel: Natural gas
Secondary fuel: #2 ultra low-sulfur fuel oil
Fuel handling
Natural gas: Pipeline
Transportation: Fuel oil tanker trucks
Storage: 1.5 million gallons
Tank size: 40 feet high and 80 feet in diameter
Average fuel use
Natural gas: 1.2 million cubic feet per hour per unit
Fuel oil: 9,000 gallons per hour per unit
Emission control
Demineralized water injection for NOx control
1.2 million gallons
Tank size: 2 tanks, 30 feet high and 60 feet in diameter
Water source
Deep well
Control room
All major functions in the plant are controlled by operators with computer support to continuously monitor and report on pressures, temperatures, flow rates, etc. In addition, the computer aids in start-up, shutdown, load adjustments and information for future reference.
Call us
Customer service: 800-242-9137 (24 hours a day)
Updated: April 2019