Budget Billing is designed to even out the seasonal variations in your energy bills, so your bill remains more stable from month to month.
It's simple and free
We calculate your estimated yearly energy cost by averaging your historic use and dividing it into 12 equal payments.
Every 6 months, your account is reviewed, and your payment amount may be adjusted to more closely reflect your actual use.
Your bill for the 12th month will then include any difference between what you paid and the actual cost of the energy you used throughout the year.
If you paid too much, we will apply a credit to your bill.
For residential customers who paid too little, the balance will be spread out over the new Budget Billing year.
Budget Billing — frequently asked questions
Budget Billing — terms and conditions
Review terms and sign up
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You may have seen an increase in your six-month Budget Billing amount or 12-month settlement amount. This is due to changes in natural gas costs. Your Budget Bill is reviewed every six months and may be adjusted to better reflect current prices and your use of natural gas or electricity.
Review budget amount or
Remove Budget Billing
Customers with outstanding balances on their account are not eligible for Budget Billing.
For extra convenience, add Automatic Payment to your Budget Billing plan. There are no checks to write, and you'll never have a late payment.